Sales Coaching & Mentoring

I love teaching and helping people get to their next level. As a highly successful enterprise account executive spanning three decades and a current Adjunct Professor at Ocean County College in Toms River, NJ, I have plenty to share with sales teams and individual contributors.
Are you managing a sales team and looking to explore some new ideas? Do you have a junior sales employee where you would like to instill some winning behaviors? Do you have a seasoned salesperson who needs some help getting back on track? I can assist with all of these scenarios.
Don't let your sales team or individual contributors struggle when my flexible and cost-effective coaching services are available to help correct the situation.
Explore my sales coaching services in more detail below and use my contact form or call / text me at 908.912.4441 to let me know when you are available to speak about our services and how I can assist you.
Sales Coaching Services
As a top-performing account executive in the IT industry and winner of numerous sales achievement awards over a 30 year career, I have developed a personal sales methodology which I would be happy to share with your sales teams or individual salespeople. I have a 2-day course that I can deliver to sales teams in person or virtually. If you have an individual salesperson in need of a little one-on-one coaching, I have a mentorship program which is highly customizable to the exact needs of your employee.

Contact Me
If you are interested in discussing any of my services, please message me using this form or call / text me at 908.912.4441.